we deliver things in a Totally Reliable way with our Delivery Service
we deliver things in a Totally Reliable way with our Delivery Service
To The Jackass It May Concern,
Good day. I hate you. The accusations you have so unjustly hurled upon my doorstep have given me the most peculiar desire to reorganize your bones. To even suggest that my Delivery Service is anything other than TOTALLY RELIABLE is an affront to all that you and I hold dear. We will not be making a second attempt at delivering your mother’s ashes, as I have found myself in the peculiar position of not giving an ass. Furthermore, you are a braggart. Even further furthermore, you are a bastard. I will be submitting a copy of this abridged letter to The Yelp so that they make take down your atrociously worded review.
May god find a comfortable place for you to rot.
Warmest Regards,
Mark D. Livery
EDITED BY ► LIXIAN https://www.youtube.com/user/LixianTV
Wade ► https://www.youtube.com/user/LordMinion777
Bob ► https://www.facebook.com/muyskerm
Juh-Sean ► https://www.youtube.com/jacksepticeye
Happy Outro ► https://soundcloud.com/hielia/minimusicman-crazy-la-paint
Could you do the bite of 87
The description
"I think someone’s about to get sucked"
-Bob 2020
The video descriptions are under-appreciated
12:34 He’s not wrong. As the thing in the middle is clearly smoke/gas, he’s definitely more correct than I am, but I saw two balls with a phallic thingamajig in the middle. Clearly a Co…ehm, "rooster"..
Look at the ass
Bro Ive seen this so many times how have I never noticed the description 😂
Bob: we’re fine, everything’s fine over here-
Mark: *Tingle death noise*
"To The Jackass It May Concern,
Good day. I hate you. The accusations you have so unjustly hurled upon my doorstep have given me the most peculiar desire to reorganize your bones. To even suggest that my Delivery Service is anything other than TOTALLY RELIABLE is an affront to all that you and I hold dear. We will not be making a second attempt at delivering your mother’s ashes, as I have found myself in the peculiar position of not giving an ass. Furthermore, you are a braggart. Even further furthermore, you are a bastard. I will be submitting a copy of this abridged letter to The Yelp so that they make take down your atrociously worded review.
May god find a comfortable place for you to rot.
Warmest Regards,
Mark D. Livery
“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” -John 14:6
i love how they spent the whole video fucking around and only tried to do the actual game objective for like two seconds
Mark saying the box was hsi only friend was kinda adorable
The greatest part of this video is actually the description
Am I the last comment
That video description is genius.
10:48 idk why I can’t stop laughing at the sound mark made on the bridge as they swerve
Edit: can’t stop replaying it send help
10:43 “look at you turbo dismounting!”
*Jack who is literally grabbing on by one hand on the roof*
lol love how he linked bobs facebook instead of his YouTube
I wish we could see the full version of the video.
Non edited
Did you know wade was a ncp in trds
I can’t breathe because im laughing so hard
5:19 Wade My fish Mark What about the fish
3 years later and still one of my fave videos ❤ Merry Christmas 🎄🥰
why am i here
a grand total of 0 deliveries were completed
The most underrated Wade quote was when he said ,"I lost my pants! Ew, i shit myself And lost my pants!".
I laughed out my chiggem nuggie
Bob: helping wade by telling him what to do
Wade: listening to the instructions to help jack
Jack: trying to connect but fails and keeps trying
Mark: WÃÃÃÃÃÃ 0:19
Imagine being on a plane and hearing the captain say “how do I make it go up?”
I’m in OHHHHHHHHHH made me laugh three seconds into the goddamn video
And nothing was delivered that day, and nobody minded
I played this with friends actually. We also did not deliver a single package
“Ooooo a ramp”
Flips boat immediately*
What is that description! 😂
Is this wobbly life before it became wobbly life?
6:58 That is such a cartoony yell from Mark 😀
Its funny how these people can barely do a delivery and then I got gold on Tornado Alley 2.
Never even went to that crazy tower thing
This is an actual depiction of the men that delivered bobs fridge 😂😂😂😂
Nah but who relised when
… Read More
My kids love this game!
IM Here! After 3 years to say…2020 was HARSH year but thanks to YouTubers like Mark and Jack and Wade and Bob, they made it less harsh.
4:45 Tumbleweed Jack