1. @RussellEdwardGarcia February 28, 2025 at 11:10 pm

    The way Steve Jobs breaks down consulting strategies is fascinating. Makes me want to refine my own approach, maybe even my resume too.

  2. @JacobJeffreyBailey February 28, 2025 at 11:11 pm

    This video really highlights the need for ongoing learning in consulting. Also, I heard about Resubot recently; sounds like a helpful tool for anyone looking to enhance their resumes.

  3. thank god his company is so committed to letting you own the things you buy

  4. Ironic a guy who built nothing and just mooched off of other people’s ideas is trying to drive a wedge between himself and consulting. Nice turtleneck prick.

  5. I work for a consultancy in the engineering/construction industry, and I agree.

    I’ve had a number of disagreements like this with some of my bosses. A lot if not most of the people in the industry are primarily interested in their own pay-check and bottom line, not the value they bring to the customer, which only comes in 2nd.

    It’s a lot more about ‘selling’ and a lot less about ‘doing’.

    Now that I’ve worked a few years and established my financial independence, I can afford to say “no” to bullshit jobs, aka jobs that might even pay well but add little meaningful value. There are *a lot* of those jobs out there. In engineering/construction, probably a third of jobs and work is nonsense that we could do without. The irony also is that much of it is driven by bureaucratic legal requirements that most organisations don’t understand well enough to push back when consultancies try to sell them services they don’t need. I’ve fought these people before tooth and nail on my own company. It’s really difficult to do an authentic good job, for good value to the customer, when you’re sat in an ecosystem like this that almost by design is intended to milk your customers dry.

    And the end-customer is often the taxpayer. So ultimately we’re just cheating ourselves.

  6. Steve Jobs: “Banana”
    Audience: 😂😂😂

  7. It’s interesting how Jobs emphasizes the importance of understanding the client’s needs. Makes me realize how critical it is to have a solid resume that highlights those skills.

  8. Aston Kutcher nailed it

  9. @beautifulflowers6310 February 28, 2025 at 11:18 pm


    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is to be believed and received.
    Do more than mentally assent to the Gospel.
    Believe it! Faith.
    But there is more.
    Faith needs an accomplice to be efficacious.
    Faith needs your actions
    Your best performance, efforts will not earn you justification before the Lord. We must accept God’s Sacrifice for man’s righteousness. Jesus Christ, The Sacrifice. The Lamb of God.

    Dear God,

    I come to you in the Name of Jesus Christ.

    I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Sinless Lamb of God who was sacrificed for the sins of the whole world.

    I believe Jesus died and rose from the dead. Because Jesus lives, I can live again.

    Jesus Christ, come into my heart. I make You my Lord and Savior right now.

    Thank you, Lord in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

  10. @jacquieclaypoole1283 February 28, 2025 at 11:18 pm

    To make money and pay my bills like every other competitive female the World Over.

  11. People have worked in bananas, peaches and grapes, but never in Apples

  12. He knew the concept of SUBSCRIPTION this early? 😮

  13. Consultants were the most useless waste of time, money and effort in my long corporate career.

  14. This video is the reason why banana duct taped to canvas, art piece was so expensive. It makes sense now. 🤯

  15. @BryanJoseReyeBryanJoseReyes February 28, 2025 at 11:21 pm

    Great insights from Jobs on the value of perspective in consulting. It would be interesting to see how these principles apply in the tech industry.

  16. Reminded me of another saying: Engineers, their problems only grow larger while Dr’s bury their mistakes.

  17. I had done things I am not proud of for deliver food to the table, working in consulting when I hit the bottom

  18. Now ai can consult for free.

  19. @eduardofernandez2697 February 28, 2025 at 11:27 pm

    Im just here to say, I learn from mistakes of people who follow my advice.

  20. I have noticed that about myself I speak about something before I accomplish it

  21. (Dr Osagie spell home) is the best and the safest
    I recommend him because he is reliable and trustworthy. He united my family within 48 hours can’t stop talking about it.🫶💕💕🫶🫶

  22. @georgesberlioz6978 February 28, 2025 at 11:30 pm

    Consulting has become an activity where one makes profits when making recommendations and makes further profits when these recommendations prove to be wrong. This becomes true in particular for bankers, lawyers and auditors. It becomes true because the world has become a financial world, with fabless corporations, which is based on bubbles.

  23. I want to be like him

  24. A cult of a man, that copy-cated all his "inventions". This is really an american problems, they made a hero of an absolute zero.

  25. he’s right about consulting not really able to see things through to the end but consulting also allows us to see so much more of the industry. I worked in simulation consulting (Finite Element Analysis) and in that world, work in one company doing one type of product will drastically limit my growth trajectory. again, he’s right that if I don’t see things all the way through, I also miss important stuff.

  26. I am working on an air fuel engine which will change the future forever as there will be no limits of fuel…….

  27. The advice about communication skills is spot on. You really need to stand out, especially when your resume is the first thing employers see.

  28. I love how Steve Jobs emphasized the importance of consulting. It really makes you think about how to approach problem-solving in different industries.

  29. Consultants are for managers who don’t know how to Google

  30. It’s hired managers, corporate climbers, who hire consultants, not owners of anything.

  31. Maybe try selling apples 🍎

  32. In today’s competitive job market, having the right tools to create an ATS-friendly resume can be a game changer. It’s crazy how much the landscape has changed since Jobs’ time.

  33. @CarlStevenWarCarlStevenWard February 28, 2025 at 11:45 pm

    This is such an insightful talk from Steve Jobs. The way he approaches consulting really makes you think about the value you can bring to a company.

  34. He seems to misunderstand the role of consultants. It is not their experience they are paid for but for redirecting the blame while implementing the management’s wishes.

  35. Thats BS!

    If its about owning something, hire your internal strategy team.
    The fact that companies prioritize their internal politics & power games over a clean obvious plan, is the reason, many strategic brains choose to be an outsider and work in clean environment and take their proper pay for the hard work.

  36. "Banana for scale" – Steve Jobs

  37. @richardbloemenkamp8532 February 28, 2025 at 11:51 pm

    All manufacturing was outsourced to China a long time ago. The effects are becoming more and more visible.

  38. Wasn’t he an immigrant?

  39. is Steve Jobs the equivalent to Elon musk?

  40. Hearing Jobs talk about consulting reminds me of how important it is to have a solid resume. It’s like having a good strategy for your career.

  41. @GregoryKyleAnderson February 28, 2025 at 11:57 pm

    It’s a reminder that even a great resume won’t help if you can’t convey your value in an interview. AI tools can help refine your resume, but the true test is in the conversation.

  42. Consulting is the root of all evil, certainly in this country (the UK). It is the death of ownership, responsibility and accountability. If you work for the company ultimately doing and owning whatever it is that you do then you have ownership, you do what is right for the company.

    If stuff is outsourced to consultants then what they do is driven by contractual scopes of work, often poorly defined by procurement people who have no knowledge of the area the consultant works in. There is no accountability, no desire to go above and beyond as you won’t be there to reap the rewards.

    It’s the way a lot of companies go though purely because outsourcing fixed scopes of work brings financial certainty, or at least a degree of certainty. It also means they don’t have to invest in training, and can hire and fire without nearly as much red tape. It costs more in the long run overall but no one seems to care about that anymore it’s all about how much money can be saved or made right now, as that’s what the directors bonus and shareholders dividends are based on.

  43. As a consultant I would say: IDIOT. I ALWAYS owned and took and take massive responsibility for the success of everything I did for all clients. R.I.P. Steve.

  44. Any thoughts on "cults" mr.jobs?

  45. The upside is that you do get experience with many different fruit, instead of say 15 years with a banana and then when you go to a new job find out that banana’s are boring old fruit and grapes are the new thing

  46. @shortsdancevideo7 March 1, 2025 at 12:02 am

    best advise ❤

  47. I wish I knew how to explain my services like this

  48. He talks as confusing as Musk does. I think both were/ are just actors. 🤷🏽

  49. @anthonymeade7345 March 1, 2025 at 12:06 am

    Why do companies still pay these people?

  50. Male and females shouldn’t be in school together would you put a kid in jail with a rapist

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