1. @ashleyfordham-harper4807 February 28, 2025 at 11:12 pm

    0:24 😂😂

  2. The 90s tried to make weed out to be the worst thing ever. Now no one cares and its common.

  3. "what you’re doing is illegal here, just like me being caught with a pound and a half of coke before I was your tv dad"

  4. Buzz Lightyear is pissed…

  5. Jill Taylor: Well, what do you have to say for yourself?

    Brad Taylor: Well it’s not mine, I was just holding it for somebody else.

    Tim Taylor: Who were you holding it for?

    Brad Taylor: You guys don’t know him.

    Jill Taylor: Well I’d like to know him. What’s his phone number?

    Brad Taylor: Well he just moved in. I don’t think he has a phone yet.

    Tim Taylor: Let’s not dither, get inst. Come on.

    Brad Taylor: I thought you guys were going out?

    Tim Taylor: That’s what we wanted you to think. We were over at Wilson’s yard, hiding.

    Brad Taylor: Oh, so you set a trap for me? Well that really shows you have a lot of trust in your child.

    Jill Taylor: We catch you with drugs, and you want to talk about trust?

    Brad Taylor: Well, you raised a good point.

    Tim Taylor: Sit.

    Brad Taylor: Look, I told you guys I was just holding it for somebody else.

    Tim Taylor: What do you think we’re bunch of idiots? You want us to believe that you’re all of a sudden in the marijuana storage business?

    Jill Taylor: Is this your dope or not?

    Tim Taylor: The truth.

    Brad Taylor: Alright. Alright, it’s mine. I came to pick it up after the basketball game and I was going to take it a party.

    Tim Taylor: Well now you are a supplier.

    Brad Taylor: No Dad, a lot of kids bring stuff.

    Tim Taylor: What is that, a pot luck?

    Jill Taylor: Is this the only drug you’re doing?

    Brad Taylor: Yes.

    Jill Taylor: How much are you smoking?

    Brad Taylor: I don’t know, not that much.

    Jill Taylor: Once a week, once a month, what?

    Brad Taylor: Mom, I do it when I go to parties. It’s just a way to kick back and mellow out every once in a while.

    Jill Taylor: I see. So you kick back and mellow out to your car, get behind the wheel and mellow yourself right into a telephone pole? I mean, you managed to do that once straight.

    Tim Taylor: Or weren’t you straight then?

    Brad Taylor: I don’t get high and drive.

    Jill Taylor: You were going to drive tonight.

    Brad Taylor: You, you know what, don’t you guys think you’re making a big deal out of this?

    Tim Taylor: If it wasn’t a big deal, why were hiding it under the bench out there?

    Brad Taylor: Because I knew you’d freak.

    Tim Taylor: Well why do you think I freak about it? Why do you think so? It’s ’cause what you’re doing is illegal here.

    Brad Taylor: You know what, Dad, don’t you think you’re being a little hypocritical?

    Tim Taylor: Well why don’t you explain that to me?

    Brad Taylor: I don’t know, you were alive during whole hippie thing. Are you telling me you never smoked weed?

    Tim Taylor: Don’t turn this around, this is not about us! This is about you. And, and… and you’re grounded right now for… until we can figure out what to do about this. Now get up to your room.

    Brad Taylor: Fine.

    Tim Taylor: Fine.

  6. It’s just weed, and it’s legal.

  7. Now he’s an alcoholic Trumper who beats women and cons people out of their money.

  8. Brad was around a lot of peer pressure.

  9. 1:17 don’t turn this around! 😠

  10. It’s legal in Michigan now

  11. Ah the 90s where everyone acts like weed is so much worse than crack, meth, alcohol, smoking. XD

  12. I learned it from watching you!

  13. Looks like he’s doing more than just pot nowadays huh lol

  14. How it’s should have been written

    Brad: Don’t you think you’re being hypocritical?

    Tim: What are you talking about?

    Brad: You sold and smuggled 300 grams of coke a drug that’s 100 times worse than pot and you got two and half years in jail only because you snitched on your friends for a lighter sentence. You did all that and now you’re telling me how to behave?

    Tim: You’re right son I did do all those things but it was a mistake and I am not proud of it if i could turn the clock back I would. Jail was a horrible experience and when i did get out people i used to know didn’t even want to talk too me it felt awful. The only reason i am being so hard on you is because I don’t want you to have to go through what I went through. It may not seam like it you may think mom and I are uncool losers but we care about you. Now if you are using pot because you’re addicted we can get you some help but you have to promise this won’t happen again.

    Jill: We decided to go easy on you this time but if we find out you are using pot again you will be grounded understood?

  15. Ah the 90’s, when marijuana was one small step below cocaine and heroin, lol. Amazing how much the culture has changed.

  16. What is it, a POT LUCK? 😂😂😂

  17. I’m not sure what to even call Brad’s sweatshirt…I was in Jr High or High School when this episode aired, but I didn’t dress that way…I was a motocross racer sponsored by Fox Racing & Yamaha, so, I typically wore Ernie’s Skate Shoes, like Split Cargo Pants or Jnco Jeans & I wore shirts I got from Yamaha or Fox Racing…

  18. Tim Allen got busted for smuggling cocaine through an airport.

  19. 1:19 – Don’t turn this around on me.

    Tim Allen got busted for Cocaine dealing.

  20. “How much are you smoking? Once a week, once a month?”

    “Geez mom, who do you think I am, an amateur?!”

  21. Patricia sorry i remember you are you realted to Melissa Richardson sorry i like you tv sons

  22. Ironic how the actor playing Brad who was making questionable choices in life on this show would be a jailed disaster in real life after the show ended.

  23. 😂

  24. When Parents were allowed to BE THAT. Damn Democrats.

  25. He was also just recently busted for a DUI

  26. Jill Taylor
    Claire Huxtable
    Harriette Winslow
    Amy Matthews
    Vivian Banks

    Five moms from 90s sitcoms who were humorous, but were strict and did not take crap off anyone!

  27. Tim’s one to talk…… remember ’78 timmy boy???

  28. weed isn’t alcohol it doesn’t make you a bad driver ☝️😭

  29. Oh 90’s sitcoms, always trying to shove a community service message in the episode 😂

  30. “It’s just pot. Dad used to be a cocaine trafficker.” – Brad Taylor

  31. Get off your high horse, Tim. Remember the coke?

  32. No real person calls Marijuana “dope” 😂😂😂

  33. Seriously shows that try to put weed in a bad light make me not want to watch them. They always tell lies about what it will do to you.

  34. Ironically they show people drinking on this show, all the time, and it’s far more dangerous than cannabis.

  35. @CaptainInsano-go6vo February 28, 2025 at 11:55 pm

    I bet Tim and his wife got stoned and had a nice night 🌙

  36. The irony of this episode is that Tim Allen was busted for drug trafficking before he started his career in entertainment lol

  37. They tried to turn him around, but look at him now, didn’t work

  38. @blogintonblakley2708 February 28, 2025 at 11:57 pm

    Brad be toking. Funny how this used to be such a big deal.

  39. Unfortunately Brad in real life would turn out to be a wife beater

  40. Don’t you think you’re being a little hypocritical, I wonder how many people watching this knew how very true that was, 😂😂😂

  41. Brad is the worst!

  42. Patricia are you reacting Zachary you ike his haircut his character are you making hair comment

  43. Crazy

  44. And just think,now it’s legal…..

  45. Zachary Ty Bryan has just been arrested again.

  46. @marcovillareal6163 March 1, 2025 at 12:07 am

    Oh the hypocrisy 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  47. When I got caught didn’t get "the talk" I got a ass whoopin

  48. American Sitcom. Kid is smoking marihuana, but doesn‘t have sex. 😂😂😂

  49. @mikerabadan4787 March 1, 2025 at 12:08 am

    Funny coming from Tim…what a hypocrite

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