The 5 Most Popular Consulting Slides (and how to build them)
The 5 Most Popular Consulting Slides (and how to build them)
⬇️ Sources used in this video ⬇️
“McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2022” McKinsey 2022
“Port of Los Angeles Clean Truck Program” BCG, 2009
“TMT Outlook 2017: A new wave of advances offer opportunities and challenges” Deloitte, 2017
“Building Up Immunity of the Financial Sector” Oliver Wyman, 2020
“Making zero-emission trucking a reality” Strategy&, 2020
“Responding to COVID-19” Oliver Wyman, 2020
“How lots of small M&A deals add up to big value” McKinsey, 2019
“The Lithium-Ion (EV) Battery Market and Supply Chain” Roland Berger, 2022
“Infrastructure beyond COVID-19” LEK, 2020
“When, Where & How AI Will Boost Federal Workforce Productivity” Accenture, 2020
“The 4th Annual New Mobility Study 2019” LEK, 2019
“Corporate Ventures in Sweden” BCG, 2016
“The True-Luxury Global Consumer Insight (7th Edition)” BCG, 2021
“Apache Hadoop Summit 2016: The Future of Apache Hadoop an Enterprise Architecture View” PwC, 2016
“Outperformers: High-growth emerging economies and the companies that propel them” McKinsey, 2018
“Addressing the Global Affordable Housing Challenge” McKinsey, 2016
“Challenges in Mining: Scarcity or Opportunity?” McKinsey, 2015
“Loose dogs in dallas” BCG, 2016
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At Analyst Academy, we teach high-value consulting skills found at the world’s top consulting firms. Our clients include small businesses, Fortune 500 companies, universities, and individual students in 100+ countries around the world. Each of our courses combine years of knowledge from high-performing consultants into highly engaging lessons packed full of best practices, time-saving tricks, and some of the industry’s best kept secrets. Our downloads, courses, and articles are all inspired by best practices from the consulting industry. Learn more at
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#powerpoint #presentations #consulting #bain #dubbedwithaloud
amazing channel
top man
You are a God send
Hello sir, I have started designing presentations as a freelancer but i find it difficult to design slides having charts and graphics , i want more detailed video on marketing and sales presentation
Most valuable content, hugely appreciated.
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I think these are readily available templates in PowerPoint. It’ll make sense if the presenter provided real-world examples of each slide to appreciate why these remade templates are relevant in presentations. It feels like this video is just a filler to his channel.
The Udemy course looks like it is unavailable. 😮 Is it just me?
Pro tip: build table slides with an actual table. Will save you a lot of time keeping everything aligned!
Any design tips for a one slider such as a market overview slide which may include high level key facts such as size, growth, trends, competitive landscape etc?
At what moment crossed your mind to dub the video with female voiced while you’re a man😂
You can use table for the table slide.
Please do more videos more frequently. Your videos are truly valuable🎉
Are these presentations intended for a live presentation or to by viewed async without additional context? Asking because these slides seem very text heavy which I thought was very much discouraged for live presentations?
subbed and liked. Great content
Honestly this is how to create complicated slides so that you look clever during a presentation
Super helpful🤝
Didn’t know, Top firms make such shitty slides. Im actually shocked…
Loved it!
Very good, i need to do a slide deck for an interview and i’ll be honest im a rookie because i’m all about the data. This type of stuff is the 10% that gets you the 100% buy in
This video is great!
Please can you have one for making project governance (e.g. layers of daily working members, working groups, workstrwam leads, SteerCo etc.) and communication loop ? 🙏
Paul, great video. Explaining in less than 15 minutes, but with quite some preparation, what we learn students in a two hour lecture👌.
splendid ! i love your video !
It is also the most boring thing to watch. It literally says nothing and you are sleeping tight within a couple of minutes in to the presentation.
How about change this consultant friendly slide deck thing, to a customer oriented informative communication!
Just don’t approach me with bs
These are decks (word documents pasted into ppt) not presentations. Huge difference. But definitely a great tool to build decks.
does anyone here show math on slides that can be presented to an executive audience. I have a need to show math related to some outcomes. today it is written like a bulleted word problem w/ numbers bolded. I’d like to see how others present this level of detail. appreciate any suggestions.
Thanks for the tutorial, it’s very helpful.
I concur these are very helpful commenting to train the algorithm
what does a consultant do? Hard mode: Respond without yapping
Excellent stuff 🎉
great idea for report based presentation but terrible for an actual presentation. People focus on the slides and start making sense instead of listening to the speaker. do you have any videos on this?
meeko charts in excel pls…can that be done
You are a legend mate 👍 . No BS!!
Love the content on this channel… but I must disagree with building "tables" using text boxes and not an actual table. If you want large white spaces between, just add a white row. Having content in a table makes it much easier to ensure consistency. Thanks
Please stop putting paragraphs on your slides. Even sentences are too much. At that point, you are designing a leave behind document. If your slide needs that much text to convey the information, reconsider your design strategy.
I like how he looks to the left and right when explaining.
Hey everyone, thanks for watching! Here’s our free slide-building course ☞
DUDE you are so good at this
How can you look at these power points for free?
Excellent overview tutorial. Ampler looks very useful.
Hi can you share how to eye balling the charts video
VERY useful info 👍🏾👍🏾
ChatGPT, please make me a slide that looks like the kind of slide Accenture makes …
Excuse me… "The don’t need to be pretty"?!?!? I beg the differ! 😂
Thank you for these videos.
@Analyst Academy – Would you consider to make a video on "How to craft meaningful (system) training slides"
Challenge – click here click there enter x here.. Battle is that these go on 70+ slides, if many things jammed into one slide get lost, if too sparsened out lost again.. If you dont show the whole screen just an icon the user dont know where to look for that icon..
Would be curious to hear your view
Which version of PowerPoint do you use to have all those tools?
Thanks a lot for this video – great content and I will surely check your website!
thank you so much
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